Kodak Center Shop Eilat has been around for twenty-nine years in Eilat selling high-quality photographic equipment including original warranty elite companies in the field of photography, as well as various photo services such as high-quality passport photos. At Kodak Center Eilat a digital lab also operates that produces excellent quality pictures. At the store, you can buy a selection of photo albums of various sizes, decorated paper wood and metal frames, and innovative digital frames. At Kodak Center Eilat customers enjoy a courteous service, excellent prices and an enjoyable buying experience. For the benefit of Eilat customers and vacationers in Eilat the "Kodak Center" shop is open continuously until the evening hours.
Kodak Center Eilat
Photography, digital development and professional equipment
Hatmarim 2, Eilat
Opening Hours
- Sunday - Thursday: 8:30 - 20:30, Friday: 8:30 to 14:30