British Consulate
British diplomatic representation in the city
The British Consulate in Eilat offers consular services to the city's residents and is primarily engaged in providing emergency assistance to the country's nationals.

Consulate of Switzerland
Diplomatic representation of Switzerland
Consulate of Switzerland in Eilat is a diplomatic representation offering consular services to residents of the city. For the Swiss Embassy Click here

Consulate of Egypt
Diplomatic representation of Egype
Consulate of Egypt in Eilat is a diplomatic representation offering consular services to residents of the city. For the Egyptian Embassy Click here

Consulate of Germany
Diplomatic representation of Germany
Consulate of Germany in Eilat is a diplomatic representation offering consular services to residents of the city. For the German Embassy Click here

Consulate of Sweden
Diplomatic representation of Sweden
Consulate of Sweden in Eilat is a diplomatic representation offering consular services to residents of the city. For the Swedish Embassy Click here

Consulate of Belgium
Diplomatic representation of Belgium
Consulate of Belgium in Eilat is a diplomatic representation offering consular services to residents of the city. For the Belgian Embassy Click here

Consulate of Austria
Diplomatic representation of Austria
Consulate of Austria in Eilat is a diplomatic representation offering consular services to residents of the city. For the Austrian Embassy Click here

Consulate of Denmark
Diplomatic representation of Denmark
Consulate of Denmark in Eilat is a diplomatic representation offering consular services to residents of the city. For the Danish Embassy Click here

Consulate of Hungary
Diplomatic representation of Hungary
Consulate of Hungary in Eilat is a diplomatic representation offering consular services to residents of the city. For the Hungarian Embassy Click here

Consulate of France
Diplomatic representation of France
Consulate of France in Eilat is a diplomatic representation offering consular services to residents of the city. For the French Embassy Click here

Czech Republic Consulate
Czech Diplomatic Representation
Consulate of Czech Republic in Eilat.An honorary consulate of the Czech Republic diplomatic representation in Israel. Click here for more details.

Consulate of Sri Lanka
Diplomatic Representation of Sri Lanka
The consulate of Sri Lanka in Eilat is an honorary consulate offering consular services to the city's residents. Click here for more details.
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