Eldad Pergolas Eilat

Manufacture and installation of Pergolas and Decks

Eldad Pergolas Eilat specializes in manufacturing and installation of pergolas, gates, sheds and flooring. Eldad {ergolas, is known in Eilat for its quality wood and unique design. Eldad pergolas Eilat team, knows well the unique weather conditions of Eilat and specializes in pergolas and Decks designed accordingly. Eldad pergolas company's staff is highly skilled and excels at planning and designing according to customer requirements and needs. The installation is done in full coordination with the customer and in a convenient time for him and with patience and grace. Design and planning advice are given for free. Eldad Pergolas Eilat team shows its expertise regarding installation of fences, gates and sheds. You should call and arrange a meeting because just one meeting will lead you to select one of the best professionals in Eilat.


Ein akrabim 8, Eilat

Opening Hours
  • By appointment