Bank Mishkan - Poalim Eilat


Bank Mishkan - Poalim Eilat belongs to Bank Hapoalim and specializes in mortgage. Bank Mishkan - Poalim deal with loans and financing deals on housing and properties purchase. At Bank Mishkan - Poalim Eilat you can get the most recent information about mortgages; how to receive / select a mortgage, how to submit an application for a loan, what is it a mortgage and so on. At Bank Mishkan - Poalim you can choose from the following mortgage types: tight-interest mortgage, interest rate half fixed mortgage variable rate mortgage, bridging loans, mortgage-indexed and more. Bank Mishkan - Poalim's customers will enjoy special benefits such as "eligibility Poalim" which gives preferred mortgage interest.


Hativat Hanegev 9, Eilat

Opening Hours
  • Sun, Tue, Wed, 08:30 to 13:15, Mon,Thu 08:30 to 12:45 16:00 to 18:30 Fri - Closed